Monday, September 13, 2010

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

The Gary Hayes Social Media Count means to me as a future professional educator is that social media will never end. Social media is now incorporated into our everyday lives. I to be not hesitant but proactive in using social media to create a community of learners inside as well as outside of the classroom.

Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

After reading Karl Fisch blog I am breathless. I find that any type of illiteracy is not acceptable regardless. So teachers fall into this category? No. The main reason why teachers should not be technologically illiterate is because for one you are suppose to help elevate your community, be a role model by example, and not be resistant to being a life long learner. I think this type of thinking is one of many reasons why we are in predicament of learning in the U.S. Which is creating a generation of children who is a unmotivated,disengaged, and hand me out learners. You have now present generation of college students that have problems with grammar, spelling, and writing taking English composition classes and can not spot a simple run on sentence.

Teachers can use technology to help students learn but not be completely dependent on it a resource of learning. As a teacher you could create a class blog to discuss topics related to class,give students access to assignment if missed,and create a community of learners. Today you have various forms of communication people are using to exchange ideas and share information with the use of technology.I will always try to learn different types of technologies because the world is moving with me in it regardless if I don't like but hopefully I will enjoy the ride.

"It's Not About the Technology"

The article written by Kelly Hines does speak the truth of over emphasis of technology in our society. As we may rely on technology to help us in everyday life it should not be put on a pedestal as our salvation. I agree with Ms. Hines about some of the main points of her article the first is that teachers must be learners. Learners in terms of learning more about our students, keeping up to date on trends, reading scholarly journal related to your profession. This point could explain the reason why we have so many teachers that our ineffective in our classroom which relates to which relates to our current literacy and graduation rates in the U.S.

The second point of the article that I found to be the most informative is learning and teaching is not the same thing. This appealed to me the most because teaching and learning is not the same thing because we all learn in different ways and there are many ways to teach the same thing to attain collaborative learning in the classroom setting. Question is "Will a teacher do that for his or her students for the both of them to be a success?" Lastly, we are possible to be a up to date teacher with out the use of technology by investing in our children to prepare them for the future.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Vision of Students Today

The video of a vision of students today captures different aspects of today's college student. Does this video have something in common with myself being a college student? The answer is no. The reason why this video do not have something in common with my life experience as a college student is that you have to accept responsibility for your education. Responsibility in going to class, asking for help when you don't know, engaging yourself in learning, and most importantly thinking about your life. For example, I work two jobs that totals up to be 60 hours a week and I go to school full time so I have to make some priorities. Do I come up short on some of those priorities? Yes,but I have to reflect on where I went wrong. I am a work in progress and is only human.

I do not have time to waste being on facebook, texting, and all of that other good stuff. Some of those thing I don't do. I have to manage my time to take care of myself and from time to time a recently ill parent. College students choose whether or not he or she is willing to do the work to earn a degree. Is there a problem amongst today's college students? Yes, most importantly time management skills, organization skills, and multitasking. I push my self every day to get around to doing something that is needed.

Finally, what would I add to make this video accurately represent my experience being a college student is having a planner and know who to use one and go by it.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I found this video to be very informative because you have your students and teacher in engaged in being a community of learners. The students are able to teach one another and build skills of empowerment and confidence that so many children are lacking. I loved the idea that she was creating her students to be independent learners and to be self reliant because they were all in this together.

Some tools that I found to be effective in helping me as a teacher is creating a class blog for my class to help my students, creating a facebook page, a twitter page, and etc. I feel that this would help my students because they can be accessible to one another in case a assignment is missed or to know the status of a project they are working on. Maybe bring up ideas or topics about things discussed in classed that he or she didn't get a chance to ask. Plus parents can be able to contact the class blog for assignments if there child is going to missed class.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

This video is a hard hitting truth about our education system and our society in terms of what we are doing to our children. Sir Ken Robinson made a excellent point in how we stigmatize our children as well as ourselves about being scared of being wrong in comparison to a young child with no boundaries of being afraid of being wrong.Second, that we do waste our creativity in order to conform to society and meet the needs of industrialization. This is very true because I always wanted to be a chocolatier and own a candy shop.

I think that the education system do need to emphasize the benefit of a child's natural creativity. You may have a child who is always getting into trouble but can write poems and can draw. Maybe as a teacher you can bridge that talent into helping that student grow.Finally, if we waste our creativity and go for the status quote in society are we really losing apart of ourselves that can say we had a childhood? In which some people take for granted.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

The Mr. Winkle Wakes video showed the importance of becoming a life long learner. We must be life long learners if we are to understand things that are affecting our everyday lives whether we want to accept or not. The advances in technology has not only help society evolve but it has helped us to learn, communicate with one another, exchange ideas, help society live longer, and etc. I can not imagine going to a hospital where they do not offer life support for me to breath and to carry on my bodily functions. Technology has enabled us to live longer and help with various forms of treatments that are available for certain diseases and illness.

The video showed despair in not trying to learn anything that is new due to the fact it may go against what you are accustom to knowing. Failure only comes to those who lack to try and Success comes to those who attempted to try. The worst outcome is doubting yourself in not learning. I have been a life long learner for the past 26 years of my life due in part to a wonderful mother. As a future teacher I must create in my future students the importance of becoming a life long learner because the world is changing with them in and is not going to ever slow down.